Journal of Mobility Cultures & Policies
Ideas for a New Mobility Paradigm
ISSUE 2 | JULY 2021
REBALANCE is proud to present its second edition of the Journal of Mobility Cultures & Policies. As part of the REBALANCE initiative, ten interviews were conducted investigating the effects of the pandemic on mobility, values that underlie our mobility cultures; historically and at present, limitations within the modeling, planning and execution of mobility policy, and visions for the future. Just as mobility is a field which encompasses many different facets of society, the experts interviewed also represent this multiplicity.
Co-Creating a Manifesto
Co-creative development of a Manifesto for a new European mobility culture and policy.
REBALANCE welcomes participation from the public and exists as a platform where multidisciplinary ideas and people from all over the world can converge, meet, challenge, and eventually transform what we know as mobility today.
Explorative Conversations
In the coming weeks, we will continue our discussions about mobility cultures and visions for the future. Topics as automated cars, the prospect of a car-less future, digitalization, green transportation, and the patterns of life, work and shopping throughout Europe and in the modern urban world. With newfound insight on the values that impact the choices we make and policies we vote for, we will focus on how to consider the above topics with corresponding values in mind.
Still Open
We invite master students, doctoral candidates, postdoc researchers, early career investigators and university teachers from different disciplinary backgrounds to report on ongoing research, experiences, challenges and opportunities for a mobility paradigm shift after the Covid-19.