Policy Roadmap & Policy Guide
How to transform the current mobility culture into a new one that better meets European citizens’ expectations while addressing environmental, energy, social and economic challenges? How can the REBALANCE vision of the future of mobility be translated into policy objectives and infrastructure investments? Which existing EU legislation would need to be amended to effectively pursue these policy objectives?
The REBALANCE Policy Roadmap & Policy Guide proposes guidance for the development of future transport infrastructure-related policies and investments at European level combining soft/hard and short/long-term measures. Soft measures such as better information, communication, and education (“nudges”) as well as regulatory changes, key incentives and subsidies. Changes to the official guidelines for the cost-benefit analysis and other impact assessment methods commonly used in the evaluation of transport projects, both ex-ante and ex-post are proposed to the European institutions and authorities responsible for transport and mobility initiatives. The result is a set of concrete policy measures and related timetables that are in line with the proposed strategy of the Infrastructure and Investment Guidelines.
Read more: Policy Roadmap & Policy Guide (D5.3)