Making Mobility Meaningful to People
During the last two years REBALANCE has conducted an open deliberative forward-looking exercise towards a transformative transport policy strategy in favour of a paradigm shift in mobility, pushing for the more effective adoption of cultural and social values not yet fully considered.
The critical review of the present, the vision over the future and the roadmap to achieve it, has been embedded in a Manifesto with the aim to stimulate European policymakers to adopt concrete legal and political measures while moving the wider European communities towards a radical change.
We proudly invite you to sign it or comment and suggest any changes if you deem necessary. Thank you in advance!
REBALANCE Final Event – Presentation of the Manifesto!
On the 22nd of November, 2022 the long planned Rebalance Manifesto for a New Mobility Culture was officially presented.
Carl Honoré, best selling author and voice of the global slow movement & Judy Wajcman, expert in the field of technology, time, and speed responded to the Manifesto and start a discussion with audience.
In the last issue of the Journal of Mobility Cultures & Policies you can read and listen their opinions about the Manifesto.
Journal Issue 5
Visions for the Future of Mobility
The 5th edition of the Journal of Mobility Cultures & Policies describe the Visions for the Future of Mobility, which are the result of the scenario building process undertaken during the last months, which in line with the mainstream foresight methodologies – starts with horizon scanning and ends with the narratives of the REBALANCE scenarios and a vision for the mobility future. In this edition are included contents related to the Trends and Drivers Shaping the Future of European Transport, the Alternative Narratives represented in four scenarios and the Vision for an Alternative Mobility Culture.
Journal Issue 4
Explorative Conversations: Gaining Insights into Future Mobility Issues
These series are a curated compilation of REBALANCE’s dialogues centered on mobility future. Dialogues focused on automated vehicles and the relevance of freedom and control, highlighting the importance of inclusion before digitalization, and when we do digitalize. Topics of effectiveness of a green mobility transition without an accompanying attitude shift, the importance of convincing people that their real need lies within the agency over movement and the significance for technology in all sectors is discussed as well.
Journal Issue 3
The Role of Communication in Shaping the European Mobility Culture
Cultural changes can be analysed, among other things, through the evolution of the mainstream language used by media and the way values are channelled to citizens: advertisements, movies, press articles, artistic production, video games, social media, etc. Word and image search is performed to this end on a significant sample of popular communication, spanning several decades, in order to unveil signals and messages reflecting the evolution of the mainstream mobility culture and to identify dominant representations of explicit or underlying values and their dynamics over time.
Explorative Conversations
Explorative Conversations on the Mobility of the Future
The series of REBALANCE conversations is centred around five topics which are key in defining our future mobility. The invited discussants digged into the current narrative associated to each topic and debated on whether there are any robust change factors that can help predict which direction or development will be favoured in the long term. Key for REBALANCE is also to explore how our values, beliefs and aspirations will affect the development of each mobility topic or, conversely, how technological progress and expected developments will question our ingrained values and beliefs, and prompt cultural change.
Rethinking Mobility Cultures and Policies
The Language of the Present
An inquiry on Mobility Cultures, critically reviewing the current mobility narrative.
Needs and Hopes for the Future
A Vision for the future to provide relevant references on alternative mobility narratives for a broad and inclusive deliberation.
Politics as Poetry
Defining a useful Roadmap and Policy Guide, testing the interest of soft policies.
A Manifesto for REBALANCING the Rational and the Humanistic Cultures
Journal on Mobility Cultures and Policies
REBALANCE is proud to present the third edition of the Journal of Mobility Cultures & Policies. As part of the REBALANCE initiative, Issue 3 aims to describe the narrative and the essences that shape the mobility culture of today, visualizing the influence, over time, of communication on the European mobility culture and how the media have conveyed and represented mobility concepts.