REBALANCE stems from the premise that a deeper cultural reflection on how our beliefs, framed socially, influence our individual preferences are required to better understand how we make decisions and the way policies can become positive incentives for a paradigm shift in mobility. In this regard, REBALANCE has conceived a variety of innovative consultation methods. The deliberative process will be initiated and supported by thinkers that aren’t necessarily directly involved in the past and current transport research debates. These thinkers are going to help formulate the research questions and working hypotheses, which will then be addressed by a wider representation of stakeholders from the mobility and transport sector. Various workshops will set the vision for the transport system in the longer term. Ultimately, a Manifesto will be developed for a brand new European mobility culture and policy that will be widely diffused and promoted, and function as a basis for further exploration beyond the REBALANCE project lifetime.
In-depth talks
with thinkers
with thinkers
In-depth talks will be designed around the visionary thinker’s work and the questions will be related to REBALANCE themes. (WP2)
Generative dialogues on theoretical framework
Dialogues with high-level mobility experts to validate the mobility cultures and values that need to shift from the economic model of the rational decision maker, looking into the fundamentals of the mobility culture of today. (WP3)
Mobility values
focus groups
focus groups
Focus groups to carry out a values assessment represented in current narrative, involving relevant experts and stakeholders with a focus on European mobility. (WP3)
Explorative conversations on the mobility of the future
Conversations among thinkers and mobility experts in order to identify present trends, drivers, wild cards and weak signals and gain insight into possible future issues. (WP4)
Imagining future scenarios on mobility cultures
Focus Group to implement a forward-looking exercise based on an analysis of global trends and key factors that might affect the transport domain and build scenarios at 2050. (WP4)
Open consultation
on the vision
on the vision
Based on the scenarios and alternative narratives identified, an open consultation will be organised. (WP4)
Public interest definition focus group
To evaluate the new legal and political definition of “public interest” and its introduction into European and national regulations. (WP5)
Design a roadmap and outline feasible strategies
Back-casting exercise involving experts and stakeholders to develop a roadmap & feasible strategies to implement it. (WP5)
Co-creation of a
Co-creative development of a Manifesto for a new European mobility culture and policy. (WP2)