Werner Rothengatter
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Werner Rothengatter has been Head of the Institute of Economic Policy Research and the Unit of Transport and Communication at the University of Karlsruhe since 1990. His previous positions included professorships at the Universities of Kiel and Ulm as well as a visiting professorship at Vanderbilt University. Before joining the University of Karlsruhe, he was Head of the Transport Division at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) from 1986 to 1989. He has published widely on transport-related issues, having been involved in collaborative research efforts with leading institutions in Europe (ITS, University of Leeds, UK and INRETS, France) and North America (CRT, Montréal). Past projects have focused on issues of transport pricing and management, spatial development, the cost evaluation of public transportation schemes and trans-European networks. He has published six books and more than a hundred articles in the field of transport economics and management, covering air, rail and road transport. At the national level, he performs leading functions in the major research associations dedicated to issues of transportation (DVWG, FGSV). Simultaneously, he chairs the Steering Committee of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) and participates as a Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of several leading journals in the field (Transportation Research A, Transport Policy, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy)
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