Xavier Tackoen
Relevant articles
Results of our survey on post-COVID-19 mobility (2020)
Mobility marketing conference (2019)
Mobility Passport : Learn, test and get your pass! (2019)
Critical MaaS Experience (2019)
Relevant publications
Quasi-static simulation method for evaluation of energy consumption in hybrid light rail vehicles (2008)
Improving energy efficiency in public transport: Stationary supercapacitor based Energy Storage Systems for a metro network (2008)
Energy savings in public transport (2008)
Xavier obtained a Bachelor of Commerce from ICHEC in Brussels as well as a Diploma of Specialized Studies (DES) in Transport Management from CIEM. In addition to the administrative management of the office, Espaces-Mobilités, since 2012 is in charge of strategic mobility studies with in-depth knowledge of the public transport sector and a keen interest in new forms of mobility. Xavier has a great ability to lead working groups bringing together different institutional actors. He also participates as a trainer in training programs for public administrations, transport operators, and private companies.
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