Welcome to the first edition of the Journal of Mobility Cultures and Policies
As a cultural and political initiative, the REBALANCE overall aim is to conduct an open deliberative forward-looking exercise towards a transformative transport policy strategy in favour of a paradigm shift in mobility. As a new paradigm requires opening the windows of imagination, the project has started establishing a dialogue with relevant social scientists to critically review how the COVID 19 pandemic has affected our lifestyles and better understand the implications of these effects for the future. We have spoken with Saskia Sassen, famed sociologist and expert on cities and globalization, and two different experts in the fields of geography: Jacques Lévy and Tim Creswell.
Included in the first edition of this journal are summaries of the Insight Thinker Talks, a video of their conversation, and some working questions of the Mobility Manifesto. Our intention is that these questions will help to gather information and knowledge including as many voices as possible, to co-create a vision for the future. We invite all readers of our journal and members of the public to read and provide comments, critiques and ideas.
This journal will also act as an open call for ideas, in this regards we invite doctoral candidates, postdoc researchers, early career investigators and university teachers from different disciplinary backgrounds to report on ongoing research, experiences, challenges and opportunities for a mobility paradigm shift after the Covid-19.
Thanks so much and enjoy!