Admin2021-02-17T16:32:22+00:00Alain Bonnafous – Permanent Observatories as Tools for Ex-Post Assessment
Admin2021-02-17T16:35:25+00:00Alain Bonnafous Interview – Rencontres de l’Observatoire Socio-Economique LISEA :
Admin2021-02-17T16:51:15+00:00Andreu Ulied – webinar caminsTalks “La Ciudad desconfinada” | Urban reorganization and mobility
Admin2021-02-17T17:31:10+00:00Eva Illouz – “Can the home be a haven from a world in crisis? Reflections on the politics of COVID19”
Admin2022-03-23T15:40:07+00:00M. C. González – The integration of science and technology at the service of social well-being
Admin2022-03-23T15:45:53+00:00Noel B. Salazar – Dialogues on mobility futures: Talk on Mobility & Immobilities
Admin2022-03-23T16:17:25+00:00REBALANCE Explorative Conversation – Driverless vehicles: the ticket to freedom?