The Beauty of Sustainable Mobility

Embedding the New Bauhaus Vision in our Future Mobility Paradigm

Mobility is an experience full of meaning. It’s not just about transporting as many people as possible in the least amount of time and money. It is in stations, sidewalks and public transport, where people from different origins and income-levels live together for a while. It is a matter of conviviality and public health. Public spaces are now becoming a symbol of the kind of city we wish to live in: how vibrant, inclusive and healthy it should be.

Since the beginning of 2021, the REBALANCE project is conducting an open, forward-looking conversation towards a paradigm shift in mobility that aims to optimize our transport experience, pushing for the adoption of cultural and social values that are not yet fully considered.

In this sense, our consortium invites you to an online lively talk among philosophers, mobility experts and architects addressing questions such as: How can the quality of the mobility experience unleash a sense of belonging? And how can the Bauhaus vision be embedded in the “new mobility paradigm”?

Keynote: Filippo Fimiani, Doctor in Philosophy and Full Professor of Aesthetics in the University of Salerno

Expert panel: Andrea Ricci (Foresight expert), Cristina Marolda (Architect, expert in mobility), Andreu Ulied (Expert on urban and regional
planning), Ghadir Pourhashem (Expert in transportation planning) and Alain L’Hostis (Expert in spatial Planning)

This exercise is conducive to the elaboration of a Manifesto for a New Mobility Culture, and the visions of the Bauhaus are of great value for our initiative.

Date and Time
June, 9th 2022
From 4:00-6:00 (UTC/GMT+1)
