Journal of Mobility Cultures & Policies

Ideas for a New Mobility Paradigm

ISSUE 5 | JULY 2022

Visions for the Future of Mobility: The Scenario Building Process

REBALANCE moves from the assumption that the mobility culture that currently prevails in the world (including Europe) has led to unsustainable travel patterns, in social and environmental terms. From a critical review of the present also in the light of the recent COV19 pandemic, REBALANCE is building a vision over the future and a roadmap to achieve it, which will be embedded in a Manifesto with the aim to stimulate European policymakers to adapt concrete legal and political measures while moving the wider European communities towards a radical change.

A variety of foresight studies have been carried out in recent years to explore the future dynamics of transport and mobility. Many of these projects focus primarily on the future of technologies, or on specific transport sectors.

The original focus of REBALANCE entails a novel and deeper attention to the cultural and value-based factors that play a role in collective and individual mobility choices and orientations, notably including modal choices and travel behaviours on the demand side, and the planning of infrastructure and innovative services on the supply side.

Issue 5 will guide you through the scenario building process we have undertaken during the last months, which  in line with the mainstream foresight methodologies – starts with horizon scanning and ends with the narratives of the REBALANCE scenarios and a vision for the mobilty future.

Trends & Drivers

Alternative Narratives

The Vision


“Technology is always partially human”
Mark Coekelbergh

“Multi-scalar mobilities are central to understand the complexities of the current global condition”
Noel Salazar

“Human patterns and nowcasting: Science and technology at the service of social well-being”
Marta González

“Beyond empowerment: The growing relevance of mobility dark-side”
Massimo Moraglio

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