Ghadir Pourhashem
Relevant publications
Users’ Perception of Value of Travel Time and Value of Ridesharing Impacts on Europeans’ Ridesharing Participation Intention: A Case Study Based on MoTiV European-Wide Mobility and Behavioral
Pattern Dataset (2020)
Beyond travel time savings: Conceptualizing and modelling the individual value proposition of mobility (2018)
Gender and Generation effects on Perception of value of Travel Time and Mode Choice (2018)
From travel time and cost savings to value of mobility (
Exploring women travel behaviour in the Region of Žilina from large scale mobility survey (2017)
Dr. Ghadir Pourhashem is a senior researcher and project manager in the Department of International Research Projects (ERAdiate+) at the University of Žilina in Slovakia, he joined ERAdiate (FP7 pilot ERA Chair) in March 2017. He has spent several years of his career and education in researching and consulting activities at the national and European level through collaborating in several national and EU-funded projects (FP7, H2020, Interreg) mostly in the field of transportation planning and sustainable mobility with various international groups since 2004. He holds a Ph.D. in transportation engineering and planning from the Polytechnic University of Torino (Politecnico di Torino) in Italy.
Ghadir was the coordinator of H2020 MoTiV (Mobility and Time Value) project ( He is also an active member of the European cooperation in science and technology (COST) Actions: CA16222 “Wider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport”, TU1305 ”Social Networks and Travel Behaviour, TD1408 ”Interdisciplinarity in research programming and funding cycles” and CA20137 “Making Early Career Investigators’ Voices Heard for Gender Equality”.
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