Filippo Fimiani
Relevant publications
Going Virtual – But How? Mapping Virtualities in Contemporary Technoculture (ed. with F.Cavaletti, A. Pinotti, forthcoming)
Public Art, Urban Arts (ed. with Alice Borchi, forthcoming)
Aesthetics in Times of Contagion (ed. with A.Mecacci, V.Zingari, 2021)
Je est un autre. Mimicries in Nature, Art and Society (ed. with P.Conte, M. Weemans, 2016)
Facts and values in aesthetics. Current approaches and issues (ed. with E.Athanassopoulos, B.Formis, J.Lageira, 2016)
The Aesthetic at Work/L’esthétique à l’œuvre (ed. with P-H.Frangne, 2011)
Filippo Fimiani is Doctor in Humanities from the University of Paris VIII-Saint-Denis (France) and in Philosophy from the University of Naples (Italy). He is Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Salerno, and Director of the Audiovisual Storytelling Lab (LABSAV). Director of the Doctoral Program in Sciences of Language, Society, Politics and Education at the University of Salerno, he is currently Director of the Doctoral School of Human Sciences + Cultures (SCU) and delegated by the Dean to the doctoral and postgraduate schools in Humanities.
Member of the Italian Philosophical Society (SFI), of the University Film Council (CUC), of the Italian Society of Aesthetics (SIE). Fimiani is currently a member of the International Art Research Laboratory (LIRA) of the Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 University, of the PUNCTUM Center for Image Studies of the University of Bergamo, of the Society for Research in Video Therapy and Cinema (REFIT), and the Visual Studies Network-Rome (ViStuRN). He is co-editor of Aisthesi and contributing editor of Figures de l’Art. He works especially on the relationships between the visual field and rhetoric in the context of literature and the media.