Dominique Méda
Relevant papers
– Promouvoir de nouveaux indicateurs de richesse: histoire d’une « cause » inaboutie
Relevant articles
– Reinventing work in a more humane and ecological society
-Dominique Méda thinks about Covid-19 in the context of philosophy
Relevant books
– Le Manifeste Travail. Démocratiser. Démarchandiser. Dépolluer. (Ferreras, Battilana, Méda, 2020)
– Le travail: « Que sais-je ?» n°2614 (Méda, 2018)
– Reinventing Work in Europe: Value, Generations and Labour (Dynamics of Virtual Work) (Méda, Vendramin, 2016)
“I believe that our fellow citizens will endure an even worse income inequality than before if they do not correspond to the differences in the quality of service provided to society”.
A sociologist and a philosopher by training, Dominique Méda is currently a professor of sociology at the University of Paris-Dauphine, after having served as research director at the Center for the Study of Employment (Centre d’Etude et de l’Emploi). A former student of the École Normale Supérieure and the École Nationale d’Administration, an agrégée of philosophy, and accredited to direct research in sociology, she has also been a professor at the Institut d’Études Politiques (“Sciences Po”) in Paris. She is, furthermore, an Inspector General of Labor Affairs.
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