Bernhard Schlag
Lern-und Leistungsmotivation (2013)
Acceptability of urban transport pricing strategies (2003)
Factors influencing the acceptability and effectiveness of transport pricing (2003)
Urban road pricing in Norway: Public acceptability and travel behaviour (2003)
Acceptability of urban transport pricing (2000)
Bernhard Schlag, did hold the Chair of Traffic and Transportation Psychology at Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) from 1994 until 2017 and is now senior professor. He has carried out more than 100 empirical and mostly interdisciplinary research projects as well as published and edited 60 books and around 400 papers in scientific journals, monographs, and books. Topics included mobility and traffic behaviour, risk and accident analyses, road and rail safety, evaluation and acceptance of innovations, travel demand management, attitude and behavioural change. He is a member of several advisory groups and on the editorial board of the well-recognised scientific journal Transportation Research F – Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.
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