Andreu Ulied

Relevant articles

Catalonia a Green Future, New Territoriality: Fertile cities, Creative fields (2021)

Making Europe Open and Polycentric. Visions for Europe 2050 (ESPON, 2014)

The Ethics and Politics of Transport and Mobility in the CV19 Aftermath


  • Environment and Governance in the Mediterranean (with R.Grasa, 2000)
  • Catalunya 2020: Visions (2000)
  • New Barcelones/Nouvelles Barcelones (2004)
  • 141 days in BCN (2005)
  • La ciutat infinita (2008)
  • Barcelona próxima: Construir habitar, pensar les ciutats (2019)


Professional merit award by the Association of Civil Engineers of Spain (Madrid, 2019)

Andreu Ulied is Doctor Engineer (UPC), MDesS (GSD, Harvard University), MSc Philosophy (UNED). He is an expert on urban and regional planning, policy-assessment and public-private project appraisal. President of Ersilia Foundation ( and MCRIT Founding Partner, CEO ( Member of the Planning Commission of Catalonia; Member of the Advisory Board of the Local Council of Barcelona in Urban Design; President of the Planning Commission of the Association of Civil Engineers (“Caminos, Canales y Puertos”) in Catalonia; Commissary of Resilience in the Strategic Metropolitan Plan of Barcelona; Member of the Scientific Committee of the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and the Centre for Transport Innovation (UPC), the Law and Philosophy research group (UPF) and the Spanish Harvard Students Association.

Andreu Ulied has worked in almost all European countries, North Africa, India, China, and numerous Latin American and Caribbean countries, by public institutions from local to international scale, and private corporations, mostly infrastructure managers and public service operators.

Teaching activities:

Co-director of the professional course on project-appraisal: technical, financial and legal aspects by the Association of Civil Engineers of Catalonia, Economists of Catalonia and Lawyers of Barcelona, since 2011

Visiting professor at the Academy of Financial and Legal Studies of Berlin, at the universities of the Pacific (Peru), of New Mexico (USA), of Montreal (Canada) and San Juan (Puerto Rico, USA), as well as in training programs for planers in India and China (with United Nations, and GTZ).

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